Excess of anything more than usual is detrimental to health. Because of the bad lifestyle, most people fall prey to many diseases. One of these health problems is excess uric acid. If its level in the body is not controlled in time, it can cause many other diseases. Apart from medications, the level of uric acid in the body can also be controlled by some home remedies. One of these recipes is also from celery. Learn how celery controls uric acid. Also know how its consumption is good for health.
Ajwen will control uric acid
Apart from improving the taste of food, ajoene is also effective in controlling the level of uric acid. Ajwain contains omega-3 fatty acids that control the increase in uric acid levels.
Learn how to use Ajwain
Drink a glass of Ajwain water every morning on an empty stomach. For this, put a spoonful of clove seeds in a glass of water before bedtime. The next morning, strain this water and drink it on an empty stomach. Apart from that, you can also eat ginger mixed with celery. Taking these two together will cause you to sweat, which will automatically control your uric acid.
Relieves joint pain
Ajwain works to relieve arthritis and joint pain. It contains anti-inflammatory elements, which also relieve the problem related to arthritis.
Prevents viral infection
Ajwain contains anti-bacterial elements. This antibacterial ingredient protects the body from viral infections such as the common cold.
Relieves acidity and constipation
Ajwain helps relieve acidity and constipation. It has antispasmodic and carminative properties which are effective in reducing acidity.
Effective in weight loss
Ajwain is also used to reduce weight. Roasted ajwain is effective in calming the appetite and reducing obesity. If you roast it daily, the weight can be controlled with it.