Who does not want a long and disease-free life? But very lucky are those people who lead their lives happily and are free from all kinds of dangerous diseases. As our medical system is progressing in present time, various diseases have also been cured in this system. Comparing today’s time with 50-60 years ago we know that there were many diseases which were not curable earlier, which have become possible today.
No one can deny that our medical system has evolved very rapidly in the last few years. But we also cannot deny that with the changing times we have also faced many tough challenges, which we have to deal with from time to time be it Ebola, swine flu or Nipah.
Although our medical system has progressed a lot but with the passage of time new diseases also started to arise. Due to which our medical system itself is in trouble.
In today’s busy and busy times we have made many changes in our lifestyle, as a result of which we have to face many bad consequences. We have compromised our lifestyle and living habits so much that many new diseases are born due to these. Besides this, we have also spoiled our diet. Due to which complaints of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, high cholesterol have increased. Cancer rates have also increased in the last few years. Due to all these problems the life expectancy of a man is getting shorter, where he used to live for 80-90 years, today he is suffering from some disease at the age of 50-60 and is old at a young age. age it happens In one way, the life expectancy of people is decreasing and they are not living as long as they used to. And this is because we have made it clear that people are changing their lifestyle and habits behind their work, due to which their lifestyle has changed a lot and at the same time they do not pay attention to their food and drink.
The biggest challenge we face right now is what we should do to improve our quality of life and improve our health so that we don’t succumb to disease at an early age.
As Hazrat Ali said 1400 years ago why a man’s age decreases and why he can’t live long, he also told the solutions and solutions by which we can live long. can get life
Once a man came to Hazrat Ali and asked him a question. “Ba Ali, you have the answer to every question, I brought you a small question, if you allow I will present it”?
So Hazrat Ali said, O man, the Messenger of God called me ‘the door of knowledge’. No question (questioner) from me is ever empty, ask what you want to ask?
The man said, Ba Ali, what should a man do if he wishes that his death be delayed and that he live long?
Hazrat Ali (RA) replied to the man, “Whoever wants to live long and live long, should eat breakfast, and should not wear too tight (small) shoes on his feet. Wear and wear light clothes.” . , and in the morning (after Fajr) and in the evening (after Asr) go to a place where there are plants, open sky, clean environment. Work on your body. Apply these, go less to women. Whoever follows them. By the grace of Allah he He will be free from physical and spiritual diseases and death will come late to him.
Then Hazrat Ali (RA) said to that person, O people, Allah has not decreed the death of a person so early, but a person’s wrong habits bring a person to an untimely end.
According to Hazrat Ali, if we follow these 6 things, our life can be long.
- Should be eaten early in the morning
- Do not wear small and tight shoes
- Light clothing should be worn
- Morning and evening should go to a place where there are trees, open sky, clean environment.
- Your body should develop the habit of working hard, that is, the body should work hard.
- Women should go less
If we compare the words of Hazrat Ali with today’s medical science, we can know that today’s medical science is also saying the same words that Hazrat Ali said 14 hundred years ago. So if we want longevity and disease free life then we have to follow these things. So that through this our life will be beautiful and our future generation will also be inspired from us and free from diseases.
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