Just hearing the name of the snake causes gasps, because the snake is a deadly and deadly animal, whose bite kills even a human being. So every person is afraid of snakes and tries to stay away from them. But sometimes it happens when a snake comes in contact with a human and the snake bites him. A snake bites a person only when he feels some kind of danger. Otherwise, snakes also prefer to stay away from humans. According to the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, about 46,000 people die from snakebites in India each year, which is about half of the number of snakebite deaths worldwide each year. If the report is to be believed, India tops the list of snakebite deaths. This may also be the reason that people will try alternative treatment instead of medical treatment, then some people will lose their lives due to superstition and witchcraft. Because snake is a deadly and deadly animal, whose bite also kills people. So every person is afraid of snakes and tries to stay away from them.
But we will tell you how to save someone’s life after being bitten by a snake.
- If someone is bitten by a snake, he should be calm and not panic. Because such reports suggest that most of the deaths are due to the victim’s over panic, which causes the victim to have a heart attack and die.
- Therefore, if someone is bitten by a snake, he should not panic, and should be calm because if the victim panics, it increases the heart rate, which increases the risk of the poison spreading quickly. Also, if the victim is very nervous, even if the snake is not venomous, the victim may have a heart attack and die due to panic.
You will be happy to know that only 5 percent of the snakes found in India are venomous, whose bite can kill a human.
But many people also die from venomous snake bites, because they are very afraid of snake bites and because of this they have a heart attack and die. So you should not panic if you are bitten by a snake.
- The victim should be prevented from moving, the victim should be taken to the hospital lying down as far as possible, if the victim walks, the blood circulation will be faster, which will cause the poison to spread quickly in the body.
- An attempt should be made to identify the snake. Commonly venomous snakes in India are nag, karait and russell viper known in Hindi by different names like pararan, chitti.
- The wound should be tied with a loose bandage at the place where the snake has bitten.
- If there is any kind of ornament in the place of snake bite, it should be removed.
- If a snake bites your feet, you should remove your shoes.
- The victim should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.
- Hospital treatment will depend on the type of snake.
- If the snake is venomous, the person will be given anti-venom treatment.
- A tetanus shot may be given depending on the date of the last injection.
should not
- Never try to suck poison.
- No cuts should be made on snake bites, as this increases the risk of infection.
- Never apply a tourniquet, ice or water to a snake bite.
- The person should not be given alcohol or caffeinated beverages or any other type of medication.
- Never fall behind a sweeper.
- Don’t delay getting treatment.
The most important thing to do during a snake bite is to seek emergency medical help as soon as possible. The doctor will evaluate the victim on the specific course of action before deciding on the victim’s treatment. In some cases, a venomous snake bite is not life threatening. It depends on where the snake bit and the age of the victim. If the snake bite is not serious, the doctor can clean the wound and give the affected person a tetanus vaccine. Just hearing the name of the snake makes our hair stand up, because the snake is a deadly and deadly animal, whose bite also kills people. . So every person is afraid of snakes and tries to stay away from them.
If the situation is such that it is life-threatening, the doctor may administer antivenom. Antivenom is snake venom antivenom, comparable to snake venom. Antivenom is given by injection to the victim. The sooner antivenom is used, the more effective it is.
A good way to find out if a snake is venomous is to feed the victim neem leaves If it does not taste bitter, it means it has been bitten by a poisonous snake. However, this method does not work for every venomous snake. So it is better to reach the hospital quickly.
Next we will tell you what symptoms can be seen in the victim due to the bite of a poisonous snake. Follow us to get this information.
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