If you have been stung by an ice, gourd, pumpkin or scorpion, you are writhing in pain, and you cannot immediately go to the doctor or medical store to get painkillers, then you must have a solution, friends, it is absolutely possible. If you are stung by a plum, a wasp or a scorpion, you feel very painful and this pain lasts until the venom of its sting takes effect.
Wasps can sometimes leave their stingers in your body because their stingers are so weak. And when the stinger enters your body due to the weakness of the sting, the stinger sometimes breaks off and remains in our body. Although this is not necessary, it can happen occasionally, so it is best to remove the sting of a bee, such as a barry, wasp, or other member of the wasp family, if it remains on your body. Because if the sting is inside, it will hurt us more.
Friends, in summer and rain it is often seen that those animals that are very afraid of humans like snakes, scorpions also come out. Regarding snakes, we will say that if someone is bitten by a snake, no home remedies, natural remedies or any broom will have any effect. Because common venomous snake venoms in India are hemotoxic and neurotoxic, which you will get solution only in hospital.
There are also species of scorpions whose stings can kill humans. But most scorpion bites found in India do not kill humans, but their stings certainly cause severe pain.
We’ll show you how to relieve the pain if you’ve been stung by a wasp, wasp or scorpion.
If you are stung by a plum, pumpkin or scorpion, first grind lime and garlic to make a paste and take vinegar, which you can find in the market. Vinegar is mostly made from sugarcane juice.
the lime
First you grind garlic to make a paste, then add lime and vinegar to it, all three should be in equal quantity and as per your requirement. First, mix these three things together, then apply it on the affected area.
As soon as you apply it, its color will start changing immediately. And you will feel that the burning sensation is reducing, and when your pain is reduced a little, make a paste by grinding onion in that place, it will reduce the swelling.
This treatment flushes out the venom from your body, the bamboo and the scorpion as well as relieves you from the irritation. After that, swelling and pain are also reduced by using onion. Can work on time and cure your pain immediately.
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