Public relations webdesk. Hair Growth Tips at Home:Who doesn’t want long hair these days? On the other hand, women who love long hair always look for hair care tips. Also, every woman wants to know what to do to make her hair long till waist. In such a situation, if you are also looking for such desi recipes, then this wish can be fulfilled. Yes, here we will tell you a desi recipe, by which you too can get thick and long hair. Let’s find out.
Remedies for hair growth
Give hair protein treatment with milk
One egg, one cup of raw milk, one tablespoon of coconut oil, half a cup of carrot juice, one teaspoon of honey.
Installation Procedure-
1- Take a bowl and break the egg in it and separate the yellow part. Because putting yellow part on the hair will make the hair smell bad, which will be difficult to remove from the hair.
2- Now mix coconut oil, carrot juice and milk in a bowl. Now apply this pack on hair with the help of hair brush and comb.
3- Leave this mixture on your hair for 30 minutes to an hour, then wash your hair thoroughly.
1- With this hair mask, the hair will get a lot of protein and the hair growth will be good.
2- Your hair will get rid of dullness and shine. Not only that, the hair will also be thicker and stronger.
3- This hair pack is also useful for softening the hair. Also the problem of hair loss is reduced.
4- On the other hand, if you are suffering from two-faced hair, then this hair pack will help you overcome this problem.
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