Ethics Policy

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Policy on Ethics

PURPOSE: Company colleagues will conduct business in accordance with the highest ethical standards. The goal of this policy is for each associate to conduct the Company’s business with honesty and in accordance with all applicable laws, without regard for personal gain or advantage.


The following is a summary of the Company’s policy regarding (1) gifts, Favours, entertainment, and money received or provided by Company colleagues, (2) potential conflicts of interest, and (3) other matters:


GENERAL POLICY APPLICATION: Company Gifts, Favors, and Payments: At the Company’s expense, gifts, Favours, and payments may be offered to others if they meet all of the following criteria:


  1. They are in accordance with standard business practices.
  2. They have a sufficiently low value and are presented in a way that will not be seen as a bribe or a payoff.
  3. They do not violate applicable law or generally accepted ethical standards; and 4. They will not disgrace the Company if the facts are made public.


Company policy prohibits payments, commissions, or other compensation to or for the benefit of customers’ colleagues (or their family members or associates) that are not authorized by written contract.


Company Associates’ Gifts, Favors, Entertainment, and Payments:

  1. Associates shall not seek or accept any gifts, Favours, entertainment, or payments for themselves or others without a legitimate business purpose, nor shall they seek or accept personal loans (other than conventional loans at market rates from lending institutions) from any persons or business organisations that do or seek to do business with or compete with the Company. In implementing this policy, keep the following in mind:


  1. Associates and members of their families may accept ordinary courtesies associated with standard business practices for themselves and their families. These include, but are not limited to, the following:


Lunch and/or supper with sellers, which may include spouses if the vendor extends the invitation.

Calendars, pens, notebooks, knives, and other little gifts from vendors.


Tickets to events (sports, arts, etc.) are permitted if they are offered by the seller and the vendor attends the event with the associate. These must be approved by the appropriate corporate officer and should not be sought by the company associate.


Overnight outings are permissible if there are representatives from other companies or the vendor in attendance. Prior clearance from the appropriate company officer is required for the associate.

It is forbidden to accept alcoholic beverages.


Perishable products commonly given as gifts during the holidays, such as hams, cookies, almonds, and so forth, are permissible.

  1. When it comes to gifts, services, discounts, entertainment, or any other form of consideration from suppliers, a high level is anticipated.


With prior consent from the authorised company official, day activities such as golf, fishing, and hunting are permissible. Attendance by the vendor is required, and participation by the associate’s family members is not permitted.

It is forbidden for associates or families to utilise the vendor’s facilities (vacation houses, etc.) for personal purposes. If the vendor is there throughout the duration of the visit, this is okay as long as it happens just once a year and for a short period of time, such as a long weekend. Prior clearance from the appropriate company officer is required for the associate.


Accepting a gift of any amount in cash or currency equivalents such as stocks or other kinds of marketable securities is never permitted.


  1. Management associates should not take gifts of more than a nominal value from people under their supervision.


Conflicts of Interest: Associates should avoid any circumstance involving or potentially involving a conflict between their personal interests and the Company’s interests. Associates engaging with customers, suppliers, contractors, competitors, or anybody doing or trying to do business with the company must act in the company’s best interest, just as they should in all other aspects of their jobs. Any prospective circumstance with a conflict of interest must be promptly and completely disclosed to the associate’s manager in writing. Conflicts of this nature include:


  1. A major interest in any outside entity that does or intends to do business with or is a rival of the company is owned by an associate or a member of their family.


  1. Working as a director, officer, partner, consultant, or in a managerial or technical position for an outside company that does or wants to do business with the company or is a rival. Exceptions to this can be granted by’s Chief Executive Officer.


  1. Serving as a broker, finder, go-between, or other intermediary in transactions involving or potentially involving the Company or its interests for the benefit of a third party.


  1. Any other arrangements or situations, such as familial or other personal relationships, that might influence the associate’s decision to behave in the company’s best interests.


Confidential Information: Without prior authorization, the disclosure or use of any confidential product information, data on choices, plans, or any other information that might be detrimental to the Company’s interests is prohibited. Misuse, unauthorised access to, or mistreatment of confidential information, particularly personnel information, is highly prohibited and will result in an associate’s instant discharge under the Discipline Policy.


Any violation of this policy will result in administrative disciplinary action or instant termination for the associate. Any Company colleague who becomes aware of a policy infringement must immediately report it to the appropriate level of management.’s compliance is the duty of each vice president and company officer in their respective areas. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the corporate Vice President of Human Resources.


Guidelines for using social media

Introduction: Our policy is detailed in the attachment, but here’s a quick rundown. The rules are straightforward:

Use your best judgement.


Keep in mind that nearly nothing you write on the internet is actually private.

Always keep in mind that you are a professional.

If there’s one thing you should remember about social media, it’s that you’re not sharing anything with a few “friends” or “following” when you post on Twitter, Facebook, or other platforms. You’re taking a stand in front of a microphone, making public statements that will be recorded in perpetuity and maybe broadcast to the entire world.


When you first make your remarks or publish your photos or videos, the majority of individuals will not be paying attention. Some, though, will. And if you say or post anything exceptionally provocative, newsworthy, offensive, or shocking, millions of other people will tune in right away.


Importantly, it makes no difference what you meant or thought when you press “publish.” What matters is what others interpret you to mean. Reality is based on perception. So use your best judgement.


Understand Social Media: In today’s fast-paced world of electronic communication, the term “social media” can refer to a variety of things. All means of communicating or posting information or content of any kind on the Internet, including your own or someone else’s web log or blog, journal or diary, personal website, social networking or affinity web site (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, MySpace, Instagram, YouTube, and wikis), web bulletin board or a chat room, whether or not associated or affiliated with the Company, as well as any other form of electronic communication, are considered social media.


Know and respect company policies: To ensure that your postings are compatible with our policies, please make sure you are aware with and follow this policy, as well as all of the policies in the Employee Handbook. Inappropriate postings, such as discriminatory statements, harassment, threats of violence, or other inappropriate or unlawful information, will not be tolerated, and you may face disciplinary action, including termination of employment.


You are personally accountable for everything you submit, so be cautious. Remember that whatever you write may remain public for a long time, even if you later try to change or remove it. The Company disclaims any responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions, loss, or damages claimed or incurred as a result of any electronic communications you provide.


Speak for yourself, not for the company: Your posts should reflect your own personal viewpoint, not the company’s. If you post about the Company or any of its business connections, however, you must clearly identify yourself as a Company employee and provide a prominent disclaimer that the views expressed are your own, not the Company’s.


Always maintain a respectful and professional demeanour. If you choose to express concerns or criticisms, refrain from making statements that may be seen as malicious, obscene, threatening, or intimidating, that denigrate your coworkers or business contacts, or that could be considered harassment or bullying. Offensive posts aiming to purposefully injure someone’s reputation, or posts that potentially contribute to a hostile work environment based on any attribute protected by law or Company policy, are examples of such conduct. Please keep your communications professional and respectful to others, and refrain from sharing words, photographs, video, or audio that are untrue, deceptive, obscene, defamatory, threatening, harassing, fraudulent, discriminating, or invasive of others’ privacy. Note, however, that this policy is not intended to prevent or discourage employees from engaging in activities protected by state or federal law, including the National Labor Relations Act, such as discussing wages, benefits, or terms and conditions of employment, including discussions about forming, joining, or supporting labour unions, or raising complaints about working conditions.


Be truthful and accurate: Always be truthful and accurate while posting information or news, and if you make a mistake, rectify it as soon as possible. Be honest about any changes you’ve made to earlier posts.


Respect for the law and confidentiality: Copyright, trademarks, privacy, financial disclosure, regulatory, and other laws must all be respected. Unless you have the right to do so and are considering intellectual property and privacy considerations, do not divulge confidential or sensitive information about the Company, other individuals, or business relationships that you may have gained through your position with the Company. For example, before sharing someone’s photograph, article, or music on a social networking site or publishing a private chat on a blog, get their permission. Comply with the legal terms or code of behaviors regulating a social networking platform when accessing or utilizing it.


Concerns should be reported to: Please contact Human Resources if you believe an employee of the Company has participated in conduct that may be in violation of this policy. Retaliation against any employee who reports concerns under this policy or cooperates with an investigation is prohibited by the Company.



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