It’s always a pleasure to choose a new little kitten and bring them home for the first time. However, you may be presented with signs of a common health problem in weaned kittens right from the start: a bloated tummy and cat diarrhea with signs of colic. All of these symptoms can be caused by roundworms and you need to take steps to prevent them from getting worse.
Cat diarrhea is a symptom that correlates with gastrointestinal disorders. Enteritis is caused by many infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and endoparasites. Weaned kittens in particular will suffer from roundworm infestations if preventive deworming of the mother cat and kittens has not taken place or has not been carried out on an appropriate schedule.
Feline nematodes infect the small intestine, generally causing loose stools, colic, and vomiting, but also constipation or obstruction and an inability to absorb enough nutrients from food. Associated signs often include a bloated abdomen, loss of condition and poor growth, a cough caused by migrating larvae, and rapidly developing weakness in kittens.
Roundworm larvae are transmitted with the colostrum and milk from queens. It is therefore very important to treat breeding cats at least before and after pregnancy and their entire litter up to 4 weeks of age.
Weaned kittens should be dewormed every 14 days up to 3 months of age. From then on, they should be treated regularly for life. This helps control the number of worms in a cat’s gut and in the environment. Weak growth, weakness and a weak immune system can thus be effectively avoided.
Suitable cat dewormers for kittens and pregnant cats contain fenbendazole, which eliminates adult roundworms. Adult cats can be treated with anthelmintics that are effective against adult worms and their larval stages. There are many different medications for cat worms available in different forms such as: B. tablets, pastes, granules, liquids or topical spot-ons. Spot-on products in particular are convenient and easy to apply to the skin, so you can be sure your cat is getting the full dose.
Feline roundworm infestations can be well controlled using modern catworm medications that safely eliminate this type of feline parasite. Establishing and following a regular treatment plan is vital and will effectively prevent serious health problems and complications in young kittens. A healthy kitten will grow up and experience a healthy adulthood that will hopefully last for at least nine lifetimes!
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