Fear of cats causes problems with the litter box
Cats experience anxiety and stress just like us human employees. Unlike humans, cats don't have many creative ways to express ...
Cats experience anxiety and stress just like us human employees. Unlike humans, cats don't have many creative ways to express ...
Cats make wonderful pets because of their loyal and playful nature. However, you have two qualities that you might not ...
It snowed last night for the first time this year in my southern Ontario area, and it got me thinking ...
Cats are probably the lowest maintenance of all pets and the simple reason is that they are very independent, undemanding ...
I have owned many cats throughout my life. Two things I know for sure are that they are really picky ...
If you're like some pet owners, you may have a mixed-pet household. Pet owners with ferrets may be wondering if ...
Gas in your cat is a physical condition where your kitten has air in their stomach. This article examines some ...
Signs your cat is out of heatPerhaps the best way to know that your non-neutered cat is in heat is ...
Imagine you are a cat sitting at home with the curtains closed all day long with nothing to do and ...
I had to take my old cat to the vet. He doesn't like being there and surprised me by being ...
If you're a cat lover, listen up because this particular insight into cat behavior might surprise you.Do you lovingly seek ...
It's no surprise that cats are among the most valued pets in the United States. Between their sweet charms and ...
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